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pc-رمز بازی Half-Life 2

pc-رمز بازی Half-Life 2


Half-Life 2



To enable the console add -console to your launch options in properties in steam



In gameplay press the ` button (under the esc button) to bring up the console

To enable the cheats first you must enter sv_cheats 1 into the console

Enter these codes into the console in get desired effect:

Code                              Result


god                             - God mode (server side only)

give                            - Gives a weapon or an item (see the list below)

buddha                          - Reduces your health

hurtme #                        - Hurts the player (# is damage amount)

impulse 101                     - All weapons

impulse 82                      - Spawns a jeep

notarget                        - Player becomes hidden to NPCs

noclip                          - Walk through walls (server side only)

maps                            - Displays map list

map                             - Load a specified map (see the list below)

developer #                     - Sets developer mode to on/off/verbose (0-off, 1-on, 2-verbose)

+mlook                          - Enables mouse look

hud_quickhelp/text? 1           - Shows crosshair

viewmodel_fov #                 - Sets the size of the weapon you're carrying (54 is default)

exec                            - Execute a script file

cl_drawhud 1                    - Turns hud display on

cl_enablehud 1                  - Turns hud display on

cl_showfps 1                    - Shows frames per second in game

npc_create                      - Creates an NPC (works in worlds that have an NPC entity)

npc_create_aimed                - Creates an NPC aiming away from the player.

picker                          - Toggles 'picker' mode.

setpos                          - Move player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats 1 enabled).

setang                          - Snap player eyes to specified pitch yaw (musthave sv_cheats).

sv_gravity #                    - Set gravity to #

sv_stopspeed #                  - Set minimum stopping speed when on ground to #

sv_friction #                   - Sets world friction to #

sv_bounce #                     - Sets bounce multiplier for physically simulated objects collision

sv_maxvelocity #                - Sets the maximum velocity of any moving object to #

sv_waterdist #                  - Sets vertical view fixup when eyes are near water plane to #

air_density #                   - Changes the density of air to #

dsp_explosion_effect_duration # - Sets length of confusion/ear-ringing effect to #

prop_debug                      - Toggle bounding-boxes debug mode on/off (red - ignore damage,

                                  white - respond to damage, green - health)

sv_soundemitter_filecheck       - Toggle reporting missing .wav files for sounds

mat_numtextureunits #           - Limits the number of texture units to # (0 - let the game decide

                                  how many texture units to use)


Half-Life 2 - Episode One



Open Steam, go to your "Play Games" menu, and select Half-Life 2: Episode One.

Right click on it and select "Properties". Click the "Launch Options" button

then type -console. Click "Ok", then close.

Double click "Half-Life 2: Episode One" to start the game. Once it is loaded and

you are playing, press ~ to display the console window. Then, enter sv_cheats 1

and press [Enter] to enable cheat mode. You can now enter the following codes

at the console window. Also, any code can be used as a command line parameter

by prefixing it with the "-" character. Note: For games that were downloaded

from Steam, to use cheats in single player mode,

start the game with the -applaunch -dev -tconsole command line parameter.

Result                                     Code


God mode (server only)                   - god 


Half-Life 2 - Episode Two



Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy

of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "ep2cfgconfig.cfg"

file in the game directory. Set the value of the "con_enable" line to "1".

Check the "toggleconsole" line to make sure it is bound to a key (default is `).

Press that key during game play to display the console window and

type sv_cheats 1 to enable cheat mode.

Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the cheat.

You can also display the debug menu by pressing [Shift] + 1.

Result                                                   Code


Disable cheat mode                                      - sv_cheats 0 

Crysis: Warhead - Games Trainer +19

Crysis: Warhead - Games Trainer +19

Crysis: Warhead - Games Trainer +19

Num0: Infinite Health
Num1: Infinite Suit Energy
Num3: Infinite Ammo (Guns, Nades/Rockets, Secondary) / No Reload
Num4: Infinite Nightvision
Num5: Instant Kill
Num6: Super Speed
Num7: Super Strength
Num8: Super Throw
Num9: Improved Cloak
NumDel: No Weapon Overheat
NumDivide: Tank Mode
NumMultiply: Enemies Can't Shoot/Nade
NumSubtract: Enemies Can't Move
F1: Save Position
F2: Restore Position
F3: No Weapon Carry Limit
F4: Allied Mode
F6: Perfect Accuracy
F7: No Recoil
by : eXtalia

Dead Space - Games Trainer +10

Dead Space - Games Trainer +10

Dead Space - Games Trainer +10

Shift + G : Unlimited Life
Shift + H : Unlimited Ammo
Shift + T : Unlimited Stasis
Shift + Y : Unlimited Credits
Shift + N : Unlimited Nodes
Shift + V : Unlimited Items
Shift + K : One Hit Kill
Shift + O : Save Position
Shift + P : Teleport
Shift + U : Undo Teleport
by : KelSat